Frequently Asked Questions
Wait a second! If you’re a web dev, why are you using SquareSpace?!
Excellent question. This is a combination of a few things, but the TL;DR is when I “owned” my own website, I kept “redesigning” it and never actually “finishing” it. I finally had to divorce myself from my own site (and include some of my past “portfolios” as examples?!) so I could actually hit that publish button. Hopefully, you can tell from my portfolio page that I do, in fact, know how to host and design websites :)
Do you REALLY have EIGHT cats?
Yes! Yes I do. The whole story is on
You don’t ACTUALLY submit productivity reports to your husband, do you?
That makes it sound like I book a “family meeting” and get all dressed up to present a comprehensive “deck” on our past performance and future optimization opportunities! (However, I have done this on a few occasions, like when we thought our foster cat was pregnant and when I got very frustrated with meal planning).
Word on the street is you have a spreadsheet of your hobbies. Who needs a spreadsheet for her hobbies?!
Another excellent question. We’re on a roll! My dear friend says my family crest would read “HAVE YOU SEEN MY SPREADSHEET?!” And I couldn’t agree more. I love spreadsheets. I love spreadsheets almost as much as cats. And I love cats A LOT. (And yes, I do have a spreadsheet of cats). To answer your question, making spreadsheets is a hobby. And yes, it is also on the hobby sheet. So meta.
What are your favorite books?
Oh, I love, love, love this question and we’re going to have to grab coffee so I can make a personalized list for you.
Until then, stop by my goodreads or shoot me an email with a specific request (young adult dystopian future is my jam). I am also an enthusiastic member of two and a half book clubs, one exclusively dedicated to sci-fi, so I am full of sci-fi recs (however, sadly, I have no Star Wars Extended Universe recs as this was expressly forbidden in the early days of our bookclub… which has been going since 2014?!).
What are your favorite songs?
I ALSO LOVE THIS QUESTION! I have a theory (that feeds into my own fictional universe that I created after the Harry Potter series ended and I was left with a giant void in my life) that some of us are similarly (and inexplicably) drawn to specific songs. These are songs that are more than just “omg I love that song” — these are songs that speak D I R E C T L Y to your soul. I call these songs my “Home Planet” songs and you can find the playlist on my spotify. I’d love to know if these songs similarly carve a hole in the universe for you.
What are your favorite movies?
My husband is the one to ask about movie recs. However, if you want something low-brow, I’m your girl. But, now that we’re here, I want to do a quick shoutout to my husband and his college boyfriends who, every January before the Oscars, aggregate and rank the movies they’ve seen in the past year. Links coming soon!
What is your favorite color?
Green. It’s been green for as long as I can remember (one summer it was LIME green, specifically). My mom refused to let me have a carpet of grass when I was 6 (HOW DARE SHE) and I think that was when I realized that I could look at green all day every day.
What is your favorite non-domestic animal?
For a long time, it was giraffe. Currently, it’s a llama. I still LOVE giraffes, but llamas hold a very special place in my heart. Here is a photo of my grandpa with a llama he raised.
What do you use for your self-data collecting?